My little thoughts for living..

Only the present is Real. The Past is only in our Minds. The Future is in our Projected Minds.

Get to Know and Love your Outer Self. But Get to know and Love your Inner Self more. Your outer self is the sum total of others' perception of you. Your inner self is the sum total of your perception of yourself. If the Knowledge of your inner self is deep and complete, only one Self remains.

Forget, if you can. For, who are you, to forgive another when you need forgiveness yourself?

There is no unselfish act in this world. This is the very nature of things.

Just accept and do it. Keep accepting and doing . Keep on accepting and doing . That’s all is expected of you.

About Me

Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
home maker, working professional . Woman . Wife, Mom, Daughter. More. All in a mixed parody of sorts! Don't know whether I have been accepted in any of these roles.I am Moody, yet love people. I ike solitude but also love scintillating conversation. Creative , yet able to withstand being hemmed in by mediocrity! Practical, yet irrational. Hardworking, but love to laze around doing nothing at all for periods on end! Like to travel, but havent travelled at all:)Spiritual ,yet constantly seeking to learn more about it.!I am ,various things to various people and enjoy all the games I play!

Blog Archive

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Search Options:)

This morning there was a little mishap. Dad's Hearing Aid went missing. Nobody knows where. We searched high and low , right and left, up and down, above and under - if you get what I mean:) Even the garbage bins. But the damn apparatus was not to be found. My dad's trauma was visible for all to see. It was a pitiable sight because this cool 78 year old is a very , very careful, very , very planned and very , very meticulous man. Losing is distasteful to him.

It took me a long time to convince him of his UNGUILT!!

I wished it had gone missing on The Internet. It would have taken us just mere seconds to locate it. There are SEARCH options all over the Cyberplace! And Google is the 21st century Miracle! So virtual hearing aids would be better , eh? Yeah, if we can become virtual ourselves!
The alternative would be to provide Search Options in all our apparatus. Its so easy to locate a misplaced mobile because it RINGS! So what's to stop the design and engineering guys from making these lost things RING? BUZZ? SCREAM? LIGHT UP WITH JOY? MOVE UP AND DOWN?

Would'nt it be just great if all our tiny things come with Search and Find Options??This would be just too handy , especially for our septuagenrains, the visually handicapped and people like me who are just too careless for words:)

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