My little thoughts for living..

Only the present is Real. The Past is only in our Minds. The Future is in our Projected Minds.

Get to Know and Love your Outer Self. But Get to know and Love your Inner Self more. Your outer self is the sum total of others' perception of you. Your inner self is the sum total of your perception of yourself. If the Knowledge of your inner self is deep and complete, only one Self remains.

Forget, if you can. For, who are you, to forgive another when you need forgiveness yourself?

There is no unselfish act in this world. This is the very nature of things.

Just accept and do it. Keep accepting and doing . Keep on accepting and doing . That’s all is expected of you.

About Me

Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
home maker, working professional . Woman . Wife, Mom, Daughter. More. All in a mixed parody of sorts! Don't know whether I have been accepted in any of these roles.I am Moody, yet love people. I ike solitude but also love scintillating conversation. Creative , yet able to withstand being hemmed in by mediocrity! Practical, yet irrational. Hardworking, but love to laze around doing nothing at all for periods on end! Like to travel, but havent travelled at all:)Spiritual ,yet constantly seeking to learn more about it.!I am ,various things to various people and enjoy all the games I play!

Blog Archive

Monday, December 14, 2009

Knowing yourself - the most important rationality

Know Yourself. And THAT I think is the most important “rationality” of all. Knowing your pluses and minuses. Knowing what your anger means. Knowing the meaning and intention behind every single word you utter. Knowing why , how and where you are helpless. Knowing what makes you strong. Knowing why you feel the way you do. Knowing why you are not today,what you were yesterday. Knowing why you hurt. Knowing why you smile. Knowing when you cry and when you don’t.

Having said that with a rational mind, I ask the question, can one know oneself through a rational mind? This question now looms large. Its debatable.

If you look beyond the rational, lies the emotional.
If you look beyond the emotional, you see intuition.
I have seen it. Felt it. Witnessed it.
To me Intuition has been the questions that have been answered in a blinding flash of insight . Possibilities that have existed where none could have. Solutions that have been found to problems thought "insurmountable".

The understanding of such an insight, has become intuition. The understanding has happened only lately, a few years ago . Through the practice of “awareness”.

Insight or understanding that can just as well happen through rational or emotional thinking , by going through the process of discussion, debate, questioning and filtering. But has it always led to the understanding of "why this"?

Awareness lies beyond rational thought. Any thought. It comes with dropping the mind. Giving in to your emotions . Come further , and you could reach an intuitive state.
You can take the risk and experiment it on yourself first.
Try "dropping the mind" – a few seconds at a time. By meditating. Prayers. Losing yourself in music.
I have begun practicing “vipassana” or “watchfulness” or “alertness” by observing my every action. I forget to -sometimes. But I am right back on track.

More later..

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