My little thoughts for living..

Only the present is Real. The Past is only in our Minds. The Future is in our Projected Minds.

Get to Know and Love your Outer Self. But Get to know and Love your Inner Self more. Your outer self is the sum total of others' perception of you. Your inner self is the sum total of your perception of yourself. If the Knowledge of your inner self is deep and complete, only one Self remains.

Forget, if you can. For, who are you, to forgive another when you need forgiveness yourself?

There is no unselfish act in this world. This is the very nature of things.

Just accept and do it. Keep accepting and doing . Keep on accepting and doing . That’s all is expected of you.

About Me

Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
home maker, working professional . Woman . Wife, Mom, Daughter. More. All in a mixed parody of sorts! Don't know whether I have been accepted in any of these roles.I am Moody, yet love people. I ike solitude but also love scintillating conversation. Creative , yet able to withstand being hemmed in by mediocrity! Practical, yet irrational. Hardworking, but love to laze around doing nothing at all for periods on end! Like to travel, but havent travelled at all:)Spiritual ,yet constantly seeking to learn more about it.!I am ,various things to various people and enjoy all the games I play!

Blog Archive

Monday, December 28, 2009


Don’t we like to sort out people? Oh we do !. Sort them out in different ways. Classify them. Categorise them. And Bang ! Label them. “He is such an egoist.” “ She is vain and arrogant”. “That old man is interfering”. “ Oh God! That kid is so dumb!”

Once you label a person, they stay labeled in your mind. Worse, the word gets passed on. You refer to them always with their trademark labels. It’s easier, you see. And then you talk about them to others with these very same labels as well. Of course, you do a Sort! You might highlight one label, and underplay another, depending on whom or what you are talking about.

I have wondered why we do label people. Is it to make them easier to understand? Or is it to make them easier to recall? Or Is it to be clear about what makes them tick? Or do we feel clever at having unmasked them? Do we want to know and understand our responses to them? Or to check out whether we can or cannot trust them? It could be any one or a bouquet of reasons .

How do people get labeled? From my own understanding and experience, the most important one is through the perception of their visible actions or deeds and its impact on the onlooker. Even if the visible action could be more than one or the impact felt over a certain period of time, does that still give us the Right to label? Slotting people into categories? And forgetting them? How many of us actually do a Refresh on them , unlearn, update information and see whether we can reclassify them ?

So do you see the gaps? Visible action or deeds constitute just a small percentage of the human package and are situational and multidimensional. So what are we doing here? Aren't we over reacting, labelling people? When the human psyche is ever changing , interweaving , adding new experiences, thinking new things, meeting new people, re aligning objectives, do they deserve permanent labels, written in indelible ink?

The only label I would really like to attribute to a person is their name. Beyond that I try to keep all avenues open, always and forever. A human being, to me, is a mystery to be gently unwound and under stood, little by little. Unwinding can be deeper, slower, lighter or longer. Understanding can be wonderful or terrifying, simple or complicated, boring or enthralling. The only thing that can be said with certainty is that understanding of another person can never be complete.

What if you stopped labeling? You will be amazed at what such freedom can do to you. You will find it difficult to label after a while. You will never judge. You will find that your openness has increased your perceptive capabilities. You will see what you have missed before. You will see new areas. You will see new behavior. You will discover new reasons for old behavior. The possibilities are endless. The response can be amazing too.

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